In With Fire and Sword, flax bundles can be bought for under 100 thalers at villages and sold at fortresses for upwards of 300 thalers.

If you own a linen weavery you can buy flax and give it to your master weaver to cut down on the weekly cost of the business. A much faster, but less profitable endeavor, is to buy flax from Praven and sell it to Suno. Ride to Victory in Mount & Blade and M&B: Warband with These Game Guides Mount and Blade Guide: Succeed in Calradia Mount and Blade Character Creation & Set-Up Mount and Blade Controls and. Learn how to build a successful character, earn renown, complete missions and more in Mount & Blade. Flax Bundles are a trade good used in Mount&Blade: Warband as a raw material for a linen weavery to produce linen.įlax can be cheaply purchased in Sargoth and sold for high amounts in Durquba. This post is part of the series: Mount & Blade Guide.